Occupation of the ‘Open City’

SPEAKER: Christian Ulrik Andersen, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Paper Session 1: Theory.
10:00-11:00, Friday, 16 November 2012.

This paper proposes to view the concept of an 'open city' in the light of an occupation by ‘the smart city’ that rules out conflict. Through an analysis of IBM’s presentation of “A Smarter Planet Initiative” and “Smarter Cities Challenge”, and with references to social apps, it presents and deconstructs smartness, open data and participation as technological myths for a contemporary anti-urbanity, and finally proposes to build urban technological design on a perception of openness that includes the conflicts inherent to the urban experience.

Christian Ulrik Andersen
Centre for Participatory IT
Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, Denmark
imvcua [at] hum [dot] au [dot] dk

Søren Bro Pold
Centre for Participatory IT
Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University, Denmark
pold [at] cs [dot] au [dot] dk

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